Sarah Artis   


Boiseko Euskal Komunitatean jaioa eta hazia, Sarahk bere familiak euskal kultura betikotzeko utzitako ondareari jarraitzen dio.  Espe Alegria euskal irratiko aurkezlearen biloba izanik, Sarah oso pozik dago Boiseko Ikastolan egoteaz, askori hainbeste gustatzen zaion kultura partekatuz.

Sarah 2018ko udazkenean hasi zen Boiseko Ikastolan, eta berehala islatu zuen bertan bere maitasun-nortasun aberasgarria.  Zoo Phonics eta The Magic Tree House liburu sorta bezalako programa bikainak eskaini zituen, haurrak eskolarako prestaketan laguntzeko.

Bizitzan zehar aldaketa asko bizi izan ditu Sarahk, eta honek frogatzen du kastolako ikasleen nortasunean egunero gertatzen diren aldaketetara egokitzeko gaitasuna duela.

Haurreskoletan 12 urte baino gehiagoko esperientzia du Sarahk, baita marketinean, trebakuntzan eta tailerretan, komunikazioetan, administrazioan eta sareetan ere, Boiseko Ikastolan zuzendari gisa oso baliagarriak direnak.

Born and raised in the Boise Basque Community, Sarah is continuing her family's legacy of perpetuating Basque culture.  As the granddaughter of long-time Basque radio host, Espe Alegria, Sarah is thoroughly ecstatic to be at Boiseko Ikastola, sharing the culture she is so passionate about to so many.

Sarah began at Boiseko Ikastola in the Fall of 2018, and immediately made the place reflect her loving, nurturing personality.  She implemented great programs like Zoo Phonics, and The Magic Tree House book series to assist the children in preparation for Kindergarten.

Sarah's background varies which speaks to her ability to change and adapt to the daily changes in personality of the Ikastola students.

With more than 12 years of preschool experience, Sarah also has experience in marketing, training & workshops, communications, management, and networking that have proven incredibly helpful in her role as director at Boiseko Ikastola.

Ander Zubillaga Idarreta


Kaixo lagunak, ni Ander Zubillaga naiz, 1993ko apirilaren 25ean jaio zen Hernaniarra. Gazte gazteetatik maite izan dut hezkuntza. Ez formalean hasi nuen nire ibilbidea: udalekuetako, futbol eskoletako zein eskola kiroleko begirale gisa. Ondoren, magisteritzako titulua atera nuen, musika espezialitatea lortuz bosgarren urtean. Urte horietan Etiopiako Wukro hiriko ikastolan egin nuen nire praktikaldia. Esperientzia zinez aberasgarri. 

Ikasketak amaituta, iparraldeko Arberoa Ikastolan (SEASKA) egin nuen lan eta handik Anoetako Herri Ikastolara, gaur egun lanean dihardudan ikastolara, egin nuen salto. Zorionez, urte beteko eszedentzia eskatzeko aukera izan dut, abentura berri hau bizitzera etortzeko, EUSKARA lau haizetara zabaltzeko. Nire alaitasuna, ilusioa, gogoa, nortasuna, originaltasuna... kutsatzera nator. Nire alea jartzera. Esperientzia bikaina dugu aurretik. Disfruta dezagun denok elkarrekin.

Hello friends, I'm Ander Zubillaga, a Hernaniarra born on April 25, 1993. I've loved education since I was young. I started my career in a non-formal way as a summer camp monitor, football schools and school sports. Then I got a master's degree, getting a musical specialty in the fifth year. During those years, I practiced at the ikastola in Wukro, Ethiopia. A truly enriching experience. 

When I finished my studies, I worked at the Arberoa Ikastola (SEASKA) in the north of Basque Country, and from there I jumped to the Anoetako Herri Ikastola, where I currently work. Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to apply for a year's leave to come and live this new adventure, to spread the EUSKERA all over the world. I'm here to infect my joy, my illusion, my spirit, my personality and my originality. To leave my mark. We have a great experience ahead of us. Let's all enjoy it together.

Sara Pinter LarraÑaga


Kaixo kaixo! Ni Sara naiz eta Donostiatik nator, gaztetatik argi izan nuen hezkuntzan lan egin nahi nuela. Magisteritza ikasi nuen eta honek kanpoan ikasteko eta paraktikak egiteko aukera eman zidan, Danimarka, Noruega, Italian, Etiopian, Pragan... Ondoren Psikopedagogiako Master bat egin nuen eta ordundik haurreskola ezberdinetan lanean aritu naiz. Asko gustatzen zait umeekin egotea eta egunero ematen dituzten pauso txikien parte izatea.

Hezkuntza munduan erronka berrien bila nenbilen eta horregatik erabaki nuen Boiseko Ikastolara lanera etortzea. Urte zirraragarria dugu aurretik, euskara eta euskal kultura bultzatuz, elkarrekin ikasi, elkar zaindu eta batez ere denok ondo pasatzea da nire helburua.

Nire denbora librean hondartzara joatea, kirola egitea, sukaldatzea, bidaiatzea eta familia eta lagunekin egotea gustatzen zait. Faltan botako ditut baina badakit Boisek bizipen eta pertsona polit asko ekarriko dizkidala!

Hello everyone! My name is Sara and I'm from Donostia. From a very young age I was clear that I wanted to work in education. I studied Teaching and this allowed me to study abroad and do internships, in Denmark, Norway, Italy, Ethiopia, Prague... Then I did a Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy and since then, I have worked in different pre-schools. I really enjoy being with the children and being part of the small steps they take every day.

I was looking for new challenges in the world of education and that's why I decided to come to work at Boiseko Ikastola. My goal is to learn together, take care of each other and, above all, have fun, promoting Basque and Basque culture.

In my free time I like to go to the beach, sports, cook, travel and spend time with my family and friends. I will miss them, but I know that Boise will bring me many experiences and beautiful people!